A simple method for centering divs that I usually use is:
- #content {
- width: 800px;
- margin: 0 auto;
- }
- <div id="content"> something here div>
What this does is creates a div 800 pixels wide then sets the top and bottom to 0 pixels then sets the left and right margins to be auto. This makes the browser give the div equal spacing on either side.
by John
This was something I quickly threw together to randomise a folder of photos.
Basically you put all your photos in one folder, it then randomly copies them to an output folder with a new file name.
This was used for randomising photos for a photo DVD at a party.
Basically you put all your photos in one folder, it then randomly copies them to an output folder with a new file name.
This was used for randomising photos for a photo DVD at a party.
Its fine for basic things. If you plan on using it for a website or something I would suggest tweaking the code a bit.
Also note that it was only written to handle .jpg files. It wouldn't be too hard to modify it though.
Also note that it was only written to handle .jpg files. It wouldn't be too hard to modify it though.
Feel free to use the code as you wish.
// Make sure the user has passed in values via the command line
if( !isset($argv[0]) || !isset($argv[1]) || $argv[0] == "" || $argv[1] == "")
// If there are no values then display a usage message and exit
echo "\n**** Photo Randomiser ****\n\nUsage:\n\tphp photo_rand.php [SOURCE_PATH] [DEST_PATH]\n\n";
if( !isset($argv[0]) || !isset($argv[1]) || $argv[0] == "" || $argv[1] == "")
// If there are no values then display a usage message and exit
echo "\n**** Photo Randomiser ****\n\nUsage:\n\tphp photo_rand.php [SOURCE_PATH] [DEST_PATH]\n\n";
// Get the in and out dir
$in_dir = $argv[0];
$out_dir = $argv[1];
$in_dir = $argv[0];
$out_dir = $argv[1];
// Create an array for storing the file list
$file_list = array();
$file_list = array();
echo "/nreading files";
// Make sure the directory is valid
if (is_dir($in_dir)) {
if (is_dir($in_dir)) {
// Open the directory
if ($dh = opendir($in_dir)) {
// Loop through all the files in the directory
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
// Make sure we don't include . and ..
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
// Add the current file to the file list
$file_list[] = $file;
if ($dh = opendir($in_dir)) {
// Loop through all the files in the directory
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
// Make sure we don't include . and ..
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
// Add the current file to the file list
$file_list[] = $file;
echo "
// Shuffle the array
echo "
$file_count = 1;
// Loop through the file array list
foreach($file_list as $value) {
foreach($file_list as $value) {
// Copy the file to the output dir with its new name. I use a number for the output file to keep the files in their shuffled order.
copy($in_dir . $value, $out_dir . $file_count . ".jpg");
copy($in_dir . $value, $out_dir . $file_count . ".jpg");
echo "
?>This should work in all major browsers including IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
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