This can be useful for banner ads.
function getRandomImage( ) {
$path = ""; // Replace with your path
$img_list = array();
$dir = opendir( $path );
// Get all the files in the directory
while( $img = readdir($dir) )
if( $img != "." && $img != "..")
$img_list[] = $img;
// Randomly select a file from the list
$rand_img = rand(0, count($img_list)-1 );
$path = ""; // Replace with your path
$img_list = array();
$dir = opendir( $path );
// Get all the files in the directory
while( $img = readdir($dir) )
if( $img != "." && $img != "..")
$img_list[] = $img;
// Randomly select a file from the list
$rand_img = rand(0, count($img_list)-1 );
$rand_img = $img_list[$rand_img];
return $rand_img;
return $rand_img;
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